Monday, November 17, 2014

It's Time to Plant Paper Whites

Every year around this time I begin my indoor container gardening of Paper Whites.  Not only do I use these blooms in my own home, but I use them in my design work throughout the winter months and always have a few extra containers on hand for beautiful hostess gifts.   Paper Whites, also known as Narcissus, were named after the Greek mythological figure Narcissus, who was a hunter renowed for his beauty.  And beautify is just what you get when these white star like floral blooms grace your tables and mantles.

While you can pick up generic boxes of Paper White bulbs in the store already planted in containers, doing it yourself, in your own selected container, is easy. The fragrant flowers bloom within about 3 weeks of planting, for almost instant gratification. You can buy the bulbs in bulk at your local garden center.  See the how-to guide below for creating your own beautiful arrangements:

How to Force Paper Whites Indoors:
  •  Choose a container that complements your holiday and living space decor.   A container that is about 4" deep and has no drainage holes works best.  If you want your blooms to be in a deeper container, such as a big silver bowl,  fill the container with peat moss to roughly 4" below the container's surface and follow the directions below with 2" of stone on top.
  •  Spread an inch or two of stones, marbles or gravel along the bottom of the container.
  • Position the bulbs, pointed end up, on top of the stone layer.  Get in as many as you can as they look so much better in a large group and the tight fit will keep them upright.

  • Add more stone to fill in the areas around the bulbs.
  •  Add water so that the level reaches the base of the bulb.  Allowing the bottom of the bulb to sit in water will help stimulate growth.  Too much water however will rot the bulb.
  • The bulbs don't need light at this point but do prefer to be kept on the cool side at around 65 degrees.
  • Check the bulbs daily to see if they need water.
  • When you see stems developing move the container to a well lit window.  The sunnier the better but don't let them get too warm as they will grow leggy.  Once the plant flowers, they will last longer if moved out of direct sunlight to a cool spot with indirect light.

    You can add some moss for more greenery

Vintage containers such as this deep planter make for an elegant arrangement

Keep flopped over stems upright with a decorative ribbon

Happy Holidays!

Vintage Creative Holiday Indulgences

Soon after Labor Day I begin hoarding holiday craft and decorating ideas much like a squirrel hoards acorns.  This ritual has its early roots in my childhood when my sister and I would gather around the dining room table, elbow deep in found objects, glitter and glue, our eyes big as saucers as we followed our mother's instruction on how to create the most magical handmade Christmas decorations, all created from simple objects found around the house.  Fast forward to today,  one will still find me up to my elbows in glue and glitter, surrounded by objects that have lost their utilitarian value,  indulging my vintage holiday creativity.

One of my favorite projects is re-purposing vintage tart tins into unique tree ornaments. Each little tin provides a blank canvas to embellish.  Follow these simple instructions for creating holiday ornaments from vintage re-purposed tart tins:


  • Assorted sized pastry and tart tins.  I can usually pick them up for cents at yard sales and thrift stores.
  • Embellishments.  I love using old rhinestone buttons for a bit of bling, broken jewelry pieces, ink stamps with holiday motifs and German glass glitter.  German glass glitter is made from finely ground glass and very sparkly, unlike regular glitters.  Fair warning, once you use it, no other glitter will ever measure up.
  • A good bonding glue.  I prefer E6000 for bonding heavier items
  • White glue such as Elmers for gluing glitter
  • Ornament hangers
  •  Hammer a hole thru the tin with a sharp small nail to create a hole to hook the ornament hanger
  • Glue on your embellishments and glitter

Recycle, re-purpose,  reclaim or salvage, whichever buzz word you wish to call it, indulge your creativity by making old stuff new this holiday season