Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 in Retrospect

It was a day in May I received notice to vacate my office space in one month.  It wasn't as if I just had a desk, computer and some office supplies to pack up.  On the contrary, I had 600 square feet of fabric and wallpaper books, vendor catalogs, furniture and home decor.  The news took the floor out from under my feet.  My design business was hopping, the distraction was most unwelcome.  Digging my feet in and keeping a stiff upper lip, I began to imagine a different course for VanEch Studio and with lots of soul searching, number crunching and staring into a vacant store front at 125 Mill Street too many times to count, I made the plunge to go retail, and in September, #6  became VanEch Studio's new brick and mortar.  When people inquire how is it going my reply is "far better than I expected".  
Thank you to all my friends, supporters, customers new and old. Thank you to my family.   We can't always know how the dots will connect from our past to our future .... thank you God for sustaining me.

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